Asset Lifecycle Configuration Management Whitepaper

CMstat has announced the publication and availability of its newest whitepaper on Asset Lifecycle Configuration Management, also known as ALCM. This is the first comprehensive paper available to address the practice of ALCM and the use of configuration management software by industries with long-life assets that are deployed in the field for years, or even decades, and kept operational only by frequent upgrades and refurbishments.

Industries which have ALCM requirements include: aviation, aerospace & defense, energy, industrial machinery, marine and naval, mining, and transportation mobility infrastructure.  Professionals working in these industries in the roles of program management, quality assurance, procurement, logistics, engineering, sustainment, service, and MRO will learn from this paper:

  • Why is the Role and Use of Configuration Management Expanding?

    1. How Configuration Management Software Tools and Users Have Changed?

    2. What is Asset Lifecycle Configuration Management?

    3. What are Industry Challenges Addressed by ALCM Solutions?

    4. How As-X Configuration Management is Performed?

    5. Where ALCM Software is the same and different from CM Software?

    6. How can EPOCH CM can be used to demonstrate an example ALCM process?

The whitepaper may be selected and downloaded now from the CMstat website HERE.

To view a live demonstration of how ALCM workflows of your organization, project, or service partners can be improved upon, contact the CM specialists at CMstat with an email to

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