Configuration Management for Energy & Renewables Industries

Configuration Management for Energy and Renewables

The movement to electrify and decarbonize the global economy will require trillions of dollars of new investments in energy producing and consuming industries between now and 2050.

Energy innovators, generators, distributors, and utilities will be confronted with having to manage thousands of renewable energy generation sites in rural areas, instead of a few large fossil-fuel plants located near urban centers.

Adding to this burden will be the growing requirement to replace aging infrastructures with more resilient decentralized distribution grids that are robust enough to withstand unforeseen operating requirements and extreme environmental conditions over the next century.

The renewable energy generating and carbon capture equipment installed at thousands of facilities worldwide will undergo numerous configuration changes over decades of use as components are repaired, replaced, refurbished and recycled.

The energy industry is quickly learning why configuration management is fundamentally a must-have quality assurance and reliability insurance function that deserves executive management oversight.

As a consequence, the role of configuration management planning, training, standards, and best practices is becoming very important for this industry.

Learn more about the role of Asset Lifecycle Configuration Management to learn how it is similar to and different from configuration management.

Read about the use of Configuration Management in other industries HERE.

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