EPOCH DM Capabilities for Contract Deliverables Data Management
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Program and project managers who are responsible for the delivery of all the CDRL or SDRL data specified in contracts seek a CDDM solution like EPOCH DM that out-of-the-box, without customization, can deliver the following capabilities:
A single application to manage all incoming and outgoing deliverables in the context of each program, contract, site, and project
Eliminates duplicate records and multiple repositories of contract-related data
Dashboards for users and managers for real-time visibility into the status and work-in-progress
On-demand reporting customized to the organization’s preferences
Easy to access and secure web-based portals that is intuitive for occasional users and managers
The ability to capture each deliverable’s entire data set including status and history of all submittals, receipts, and resubmittals
Use intelligent relational data formats, versus flat files, with a drill-down capability for retrieving history
Automatic milestone-based delivery scheduling
Automatic cascading of updates and email notification of schedule changes
Minimizing extraneous communications, iterations, and corrections to isolate, verify, and release approved data to users, partners, customers, and other interested parties.
Flexible workflows that can be user-defined and user-managed without IT support
Built-in support of industry standards, best practices, and regulatory compliance norms
Secure data repository and vaulting
Performance metrics reporting that may be customized for each site or contract
To explore the features and functionality of EPOCH DM that deliver these contract data and CDRL data management capabilities visit EPOCH DM Functionality.
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